Friday, October 4, 2013

Just remove the bad stuff

The more I listen to bad communication, the clearer the good stuff becomes in contrast. It's quite natural really. So here are some quick rantings after the latest involuntary exposure to the dark side. We've heard it all before folks.

Good communication is about insight and understanding. "What's this all about, actually?", "What's the point?", "What does all this mean?". You know. Because (let's go the whole hog and give it capital letters) Good Communication SIMPLIFIES.

Good Communication is not trying to show how clever it is, or how much (else) it knows. So it doesn't need to talk really (really) fast.

Good Communication doesn't hide behind abbreviations or technical terms. It's clear to all who listen. It says "Here I am. What you hear is what you get." It's open and accessible and honest.

Good Communication passes from you to me, from human to human. It's spoken from the heart and is open and clear. It's a door that opens and a step forwards. No closing. No reversing its position. It doesn't shut you out, but invites you in.

In a perfect world. Which we don't live in all the time. Apparently. Sorry! I'll be quiet now.

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