Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is not the information age

We're moving on really fast. The so-called Information Age has arrived, settled in and changed our lives. We've been drowning in data from all directions for a while now. We know where to find it all and the technology delivers it pretty reliably, wherever we are. So what do we do with all this information?

Time to stop talking about the information age and start thinking about the persuasion age. How do you stand out and get your message heard?

 In the context of presentation technique, people have the resources to gather their own information and there are simple ways to get it to them. You really don't need to stand there listing all the facts. What many people need is the motivation and inspiration to use that information to get results. They need to know what stuff really means and why it's important. Where can they find the rest of the details and what can be done with them? What good is it? The big SO WHAT?

Far too many speakers are still just delivering information. They fail to connect their content to emotion and purpose and fail to motivate people to interest and action.

Your audience has become more demanding. Their time is a precious resource and they won't accept boring PowerPoint presentations full of details. We all demand relevance, stimulation and real understanding. We always have actually.

So slow down a bit. Work on connecting with the audience. Think about what you can add to the subject that they can't look up on Google or your website. It's really not so difficult once you dare to put yourself into the presentation.

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